French Women: Effortlessly Chic & Slim

French Women Effortless Fashion Style Staying Slim
A French woman's guide to effortless style and staying slim.

How French Women Stay Slim & Healthy
They eat lots of fruits and vegetables. They do not snack during the day. They never eat on the go. They sit down and take time to enjoy their meal. They practice intermittent fasting. They exercise.

How French Women Dress

They create their own style according to their body type. They don't follow too much the fashion trends. They are not scared of breaking the rules. They keep their outfits simple and classy, not too perfect, not too casual. They don't do overly sexy. They do not over accessorize. They wear a lot of classy colors, such as beige, white, black and navy blue. They feel comfortable in their clothes.

Fashion, Lifestyle & Beauty with a French Twist